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    About MeasureX

    About MeasureX

    At MeasureX, we understand that reliability and quality are paramount to our customers, regardless of their location. With the capability to supply globally, we are committed to delivering high-quality products at competitive prices, tailored to meet the needs of diverse industries worldwide. We have worked with clients in Taiwan, Chile, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia and Spain, and we are constantly expanding our business across the globe.

    Whether you’re looking for a complete solution, standard sensors, or custom-made systems for your process plant, you can trust that we are the right partner for you. Our extensive experience and expertise in sensor technology have made us the preferred choice for many industries and factories around the globe.

    MeasureX offers much more than just standard sensors. On request, we undertake product adaptations, new developments, and the manufacture of complete, customized measuring instrumentation. We manage the entire process from initial concept design through rigorous testing and signal processing to comprehensive after-sales service. Discover MeasureX as your reliable project partner and sensor technology specialist with a reach across continents.

    As a fast-growing global provider of pressure, load, level, and displacement measurement systems, MeasureX leverages its extensive supply network to serve clients in various sectors, from medical and food industries to automotive and aerospace. With over two decades of experience, we are proud to support hundreds of international clients, ensuring that our products meet the highest standards, no matter where they are needed.

    Mission Statement

    MeasureX aims to provide standard and customised measurement solutions for our customer applications, in high quality and at a reasonable price. We stay abreast of the latest technologies to bring the best for our customers. We operate with high ethical standards that are shared by all our team members and business partners all over the world.

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